Pots on the ground?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Colorado Kid 8 years, 11 months ago.

Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Cultivation Basics Pots on the ground?

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    Another quick one to add to the list.  Just a few days ago I saw a pic of Kyle’s Cough garden. Amazing sea of buds by the way!! I noticed that he is using the green saucers with the pots straight on the ground/concrete. I thought this might slow down the root growth cause of the floor temperature.  What’s a good way to know if this will work in my garden? What’s temps should the root range always be in for exceptional root growth? I’m also curious if these saucers will allow enough air flow under the pots like the wire plant dollies do?

    any comments and advice is much appreciated

    thx Bros




    Hello Bonesclonz,

    I have always kept my pots in green saucers and on the ground and never had an issue the concrete should never get cold enough to hurt growth and if anything might even help most of the soil in my grows if you temp the middle its in the range of 64-72 degrees and I’ve never had problems with roots besides them wanting to over grow pots until I switched over to airpots. Also if you are using wire risers you are losing inches to a foot of extra grow room because your ceilings are in a fixed position but the lower and shorter you can keep the pots the more vertical growth your plants can have!

    As always LightSpeedGrows,

    Have a great growing day with a feel good vibe!



    Much appreciated with such a quick response.  As airpots, you mean the ones that cone out all over I’m guessing? What’s your take on using those? Do they create similar root patterns as the fabric pots? Also, what’s your take on fabric/smart pots, compared to plastic pots & airpots?

    thanks so much for all your input it’s nice to get advice from peeps that really know their shit



    Hello Bonesclonz,

    You are very welcome I’m almost always on here once or twice a day for a few hours responding to all the great questions that get asked. I have used both smart pots and airpots (ultra oxy pots) and I like the way roots develop in air pots over smart pots but you will have to get  accustom to watering slightly different than with regular plastic pots because if you water fast the water can sometimes come out the small holes on the air pots but that is the only downside to air pots in my opinion. Smart pots will weep water out but not shoot out like with the little holes at the top of air pots but if you slow down your watering there should never be a problem. best way i can answer the root growth question is with the video below have a watch and you can form your opinion on them.


    As always LightSpeedGrows,

    Have a great growing day with a feel good vibe!




    I don’t really have a reply but a question, I’m wondering if I can put my smart pots on the cement slab in my back yard one for privacy from Neighbors and it being the best sun light in the yard, but I’m worried about it restriciting growth or root from the heat.


    Colorado Kid

    I would think that the moisture in the pot would help keep the root temperature low. Not an expert or outdoor grower, just my thought.


    Colorado Kid

    I am going to revise my answer. I just watched a video where this came up, but it more so had to do with black pots directly on concrete. So what I got out of it is that you basically want to put your pot/smart pot in a burlap sack, the lighter color the better, but the sack should insulate the pot and concrete from the direct rays of the sun, and keep your roots about 20 degrees cooler than in direct sunlight.

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